[ 12" / ZYX (Germany) / '85 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced and Arranged: Marco Tansini[ 12" / ariola (Holland) / '83 ] VG+ / VG++ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Lemon[ 12" / B.M.S. (Italy) / '86 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS / ST]
▷ KISS's Cover Italo-Disco Smash![ LP / ALFA (Japan) / '88 ] EX / VG++ [PS / SOC]
▷ 1st. Album Including Hit-Tunes: "Fly To Me" "Big Brother" & "Fire on The Moon"[ LP / Baby (Belgium) / '85 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Including Dance-floor Hit: "Future Brain"[ 12" / ESQUIRE (IT) / '86 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced & Arranged by R. Turatti, M. Chieregato[ 12" / ALFA (Japan) / '86 ] VG+ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by R. Turatti and M. Chieregato[ 12" / ZYX (Germany) / '87 ] VG / VG [PS / ST / SOL]
▷ Produced by Claudio Cecchetto[ 12" / Time (Italy) / '85 ] VG++ / VG+ [PS]
▷ Prod. by: M. Farina - G. Crivellente - M. Natale for Time Records[ 12" / ZYX (Germany) / '87 ] EX / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by Claudio Cecchetto[ 12" / Time (Italy) / '87 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS / SD]
▷ Prod. by Mauro Farina - Giuliano Crivellente - Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / VICTOR (Japan) / '88 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced and Arranged by Mauro Farina - Giuliano Crivellente[ 12" / MEDIA (Italy) / '86 ] EX / VG++ [PS]
▷ Arranged and Mixed by Pieradis[ 12" / Time (Italy) / '87 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by Mauro Farina - Giuliano Crivellente and Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / DISCO MAGIC (Italy) / '86 ] VG++ / VG [PS / ST / SD]
▷ Produced by Summit Studio
[ 12" / ZYX (Germany) / '85 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by: Danilo Mancini and Tony Caranci for Caravel Sound Snc.[ 12" / MEMORY (Italy) / '86 ] EX / -
▷ Produced by A. Zanni - S. Cundari for Memory Records[ 12" / Time (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / -
▷ Remixes 12" of 2 Eurobeat Classics! - Produced by Farina/Crivellente/Fadinger[ 12" / ALFA (Japan) / '88 ] EX / VG+ [PS / DJ]
▷ Produced by Flea for Ala Bianca Srl.[ 12" / FLEA (Italy) / - ] VG+ / -
▷ 12" Coupling 2 x "F. C. F." Classics![ 12" / ZYX (Germany) / '88 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Prod. & Arr. by Sergio Portaluri, David Sion and Fulvio Zafret[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / -
▷ Arranged and Produced by Farina/Crivellente for ASIA Records[ 12" / FLEA (Italy) / '89 ] VG / -
▷ Produced by "FLEA" for ALA BIANCA Publ. Group & Music Prod.[ 12" / ALFA (Japan) / '88 ] VG+ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by Aston/Martin/Flea for Ala Bianca Publ. Group & Music Production Srl. Italy[ 12" / RADIORAMA (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Paolo Gemma[ 12" / Victor (Japan) / '88 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Matjaz Kosi Matiage[ 12" / LOADING BAY (UK) / '89 ] VG+ / -
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / RADIORAMA (Italy) / '88 ] EX / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by Marco Bresciani & Paolo Gemma[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '88 ] VG++ / -
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '89 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '88 ] VG+ / - [WOL]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '88 ] VG+ / -
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / PONY CANYON (Japan) / '88 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by Farina-Crivellente-Maiolini[ 12" / PONY CANYON (Japan) / '88 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / FLEA (IT) / '89 ] VG / - [WOL]
▷ Produced by "FLEA" for ALA BIANCA MUSIC PROD. SRL.Kay-Gee
あの日あの時・・・ ダンスフロアでときめいた思い出の一曲を探してください!