449商品中 1-36商品
[ 7" / Nippon Phonogram (Japan) / '79 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Japanese Edited "Heavy On-Air" Version![ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '90 ] F / -
▷ Arranged and Produced by M. Farina/G. Crivellente/F. Fadinger[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '89 ] F / - [WOL]
▷ Arranged and Produced by Aston/Martin/Fadinger[ 12" / FINZY (Italy) / '89 ] EX / VG+ [PS]
▷ Arranged & Produced by Baldoni & Rosellini[ 12" / BMS (Italy) / '86 ] VG+ / G [PS / ST / SOC / SOL / WOL]
▷ Produced by FLEA/MELOTT/SALVATORI for BMS' Records[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '88 ] EX / -
▷ Produced by M. Farina and G. Clivellente[ 12" / STIL NOVO (Italy) / '91 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS]
▷ Produced by: Baldoni-Rosellini[ 12" / S.P.Q.R. (Italy) / '86 ] VG++ / VG++ [CS]
▷ Mix, Arranged & Produced by Ciro & Tony Verde[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '96 ] EX / EX
▷ 2 x CD-Set / 1st. Press with Gold-Slipcase & Special Booklet[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '98 ] EX / EX
▷ 3 x CD-Set / 1st. Press with Gold-Slipcase[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '95 ] EX / EX
▷ 2 x CD-Set / Anniversary Non-Stop Mix - Request Count Down 60!!
[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '99 ] EX / EX [OBI]
▷ 3 x CD-Set / Regular Edition[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '99 ] EX / EX
▷ Anniversary Special - Request Count Down 100!! / 3CDs Set[ 12" / ALFA (Japan) / '86 ] VG+ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by R. Turatti and M. Chieregato[ CD ALBUM / avex trax (Japan) / '93 ] VG++ / VG++ [OBI]
▷ Produced by Dave Rodgers etc.[ CD ALBUM / PONY CANYON (Japan) / '89 ] VG+ / VG+
▷ Italo-Disco Album.[ 12" / Hit (Italy) / '87 ] VG++ / -
▷ Produced by P. Mammaro and S. Urso for Hit Production[ CD ALBUM / ALFA (Japan) / '86 ] VG / VG++
▷ "That's Eurobeat Non-Stop Mix"-Series 1st. Issue / Remixed by THE JG'S[ CD ALBUM / ALFA (Japan) / '86 ] VG / VG++
▷ "That's Eurobeat Non-Stop Mix"-Series 2nd. Issue / Remixed by THE JG'S[ CD ALBUM / ALFA (Japan) / '87 ] EX / EX
▷ "That's Eurobeat Non-Stop Mix"-Series 3rd. Issue / Remixed by M.I.D.[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / PONY CANYON (Japan) / '88 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS / DJ]
▷ Produced by Macho for Discomagic[ 12" / JIMCO (Japan) / '88 ] VG+ / - [DJ]
▷ Produced by Mario & Pierre Nigro for M,P,N, & Jimco Records,[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / -
▷ Arranged and Produced by M. Farina/G. Crivellente/F. Fadinger[ 12" / ASIA (Italy) / '90 ] VG+ / - [WOL]
▷ Produced by Farina/Crivellente/Fadinger[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '90 ] VG / VG [PS / ST / SOC]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '91 ] VG++ / -
▷ Produced by Giacomo "Maio" Maiolini[ 12" / RADIORAMA (Italy) / '90 ] VG++ / -
▷ Arranged and Produced by Farina/Crivellente/Fadinger for RADIORAMA srl.[ 12" / FCF (Italy) / '91 ] VG++ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Arranged and Produced by M. Farina/G. Crivellente/F. Fadinger[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '90 ] VG++ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '91 ] VG+ / VG [PS / SOC / ST]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / Memory (Germany) / '87 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by S. Cundari / R. Lajolo / A. Zanni[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '92 ] VG+ / VG+ [PS / ST]
▷ Produced by Giacomo Maiolini[ 12" / TIME (Italy) / '94 ] VG++ / VG++ [PS]
▷ Produced by Maiolini & Newfield[ 12" / HIGH FASHION (Holland) / '88 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by Claudio Cecchetto-M./Bonsanto-M./Sabiu[ 12" / A BEAT-C (Italy) / '92 ] EX / EX [PS]
▷ Produced by Dave Rodgers449商品中 1-36商品
あの日あの時・・・ ダンスフロアでときめいた思い出の一曲を探してください!